Friday, December 30, 2011

First Christmas

So we knew this Christmas would be one to remember because it was Elijah's first Christmas and it was the first time we have ever had Christmas at our house.... but we had no idea it would turn out to be so eventful!

Eljah's First Christmas Morning

The days started out with us going to church.  Christmas fell on a Sunday this year and being that Matthew is a worship pastor, we of course were at church.  It was so great to start out our Christmas morning with Christmas Carols, Cider, a great message and some sweet fellowship. 

After church, we were going to go home and warm the (what we thought was already cooked) ham in the oven.  We made a quick stop by CVS because my sister wanted some Diet Dr. Pepper.  Well, when I pulled into the parking spot, my car wouldn't go into park- it was stuck in Drive or Neutral.  Matt was in his own car, so we called him and he came up and SAVED THE DAY (or pushed a few buttons and by some miracle it worked again).  We really thought we were going to be stuck!!!  Well we went home and dad got the ham out and ready to put in the oven to warm, when we realized that the ham wasn't cooked and would take about 3-4 hours to do so!  So my sister and I decided we would run to Sonic and pick up burgers because we saw they were open-- BIG MISTAKE.

Sonic did have a sign saying they were open, but they were not actually prepared for people to show up on Christmas day.  It took my sister and I an hour to go to Sonic and pick up 5 burgers and bring them home!

So, we had lots of laughs and special memories, but it was such a great Christmas with my family.  Elijah was spoiled rotten... he got clothes, toys, more clothes, and more toys... and oh yeah... A PONY!!!!

My sister decided that it was time for Elijah's first pony- a grow with me pony.  It starts as bouncy seat, then goes to a rocking horse, and then to a spring horse... and he TALKS AND SINGS!  It was such a perfect gift from my sister.  She loves her little "EJ"

My parents went home Monday afternoon and Matt's parents came in Monday evening-- just enough time to wash the sheets and pick up the house. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to enjoy their visit as much as I would like- I've had to work all week and have yet another sinus infection!

This years tree... sad to see her go (Elijah LOVES the lights)

Elijah turned 5 months old on Friday... look at those rolls--
he's come a long way since that 5lb 4oz boy I met 5 months ago!

Thursday, December 22, 2011


So lets start back at the beginning... we have had feeding issues from day one.  Elijah was born at 5 lbs 4 oz, tiny, so the doctors wanted us to supplement with formula before my milk came in.  I was so excited about nursing-  I knew it would bring its challenges, but I was up for the challenge!  After a couple weeks, I quit supplementing with formula and was exclusively nursing.  This was great for a week or so and then Elijah just starting crying and crying.  We didn't know what was wrong, but just assumed colic (Matthew was a colicy baby).  Well after a minor breakdown and mom and dad coming to town, we decided to supplement again... WOW- we had a new baby.  Poor Elijah was just hungry.  So we have supplemented with formula after nursing ever since.  I was able to come to grips with the fact that I just don't make enough milk for a growing boy- this was hard at first... I wanted the very best for Elijah and we have all heard the saying "Breast is Best"  Well there are times, that that just won't work.  I tell you all of this because you or someone else you know, may have the same struggle and you should NEVER feel bad for feeding a baby formula!  I was a little worried about the cost, because formula is not cheap!  But thanks to my sweet friend and pastors wife, we were introduced to Sam's Simply Right Formula.  It is about 65% cheaper than Enfamil (and the exact same thing).  Well this worked great for a few months...

Flash forward to about 5 weeks ago, right before Thanksgiving.  Elijah came down with a cough.  He ran a small fever but nothing major.  We took several trips to Kids Urgent Care and his doctor (several RSV test and flu test).  Each visit, they said NOTHING is wrong.  But he continued to have this cough, sound congested (kinda like a pig), and then began spitting up like CRAZY!  He has been on Zantac since he was 2 weeks old for reflux and it has helped tremendously, but it all of sudden just got way worse.  At his 4 month check up, the doctor decided that we will try some Zyrtec for a week to see if it's allergies.  After one week, the cough still had not gone away and actually sounded a little worse, so back to doctor he went this past Monday.

Matthew has won the outstanding father award through all of this.  He has now made 3 visits to the doctor by himself because I have no more time off for the year.  Well once again at the doctor on Monday, he was checked out and it was determined that his ears and his lungs are still clear.  While we are thankful, we are frustrated, because something is causing this cough.  The nurse practitioner said she thinks it's a milk allergy.  So here's the plan... we have switched to soy formula for 4 days. If this helps, I go dairy free for 4 days to see if it is completely better.  Well, so far it has been 3 days on the soy formula and we have seen a HUGE decrease in the coughing.  Oh I forgot to mention, this coughing was keeping him up at night. Our great sleeper was not sleeping so great!!!  We started the soy formula on Monday afternoon and he slept through the night on Monday night!  Woke up twice on Tuesday night (but popped a paci back in and he went right back to sleep) and slept through the night again last night.  MILK ALLERGY?  really?  Is this really the cause of all of our problems?  As much as a I hope this isn't the problem, I do hope that we have now found the cause! As far as nursing goes, I will attempt to go dairy free, however, I take a medicine that helps to produce milk and the number one ingredient is lactose!  My days of nursing may be nearing an end... but as I said before, I CANNOT feel guilty for not being able to nurse. I have made it 5 months and that is better than nothing!

So there ya go... Elijah may have a milk allergy-- neither Matt or I ever had that, so we don't know where that came from.   I will leave you with a few pics from the past week...

We took Elijah for his first Santa Pic... he LOVED it.  Doing "Santa"  seems to be a big debate going around, but whatever you choose to do- you can't deny this is precious! 

He was an AWESOME Santa!  So sweet!

Benton still gets a little jealous, but he is starting to like the little kid being around!

All ready for church (look closely, he spit up right before the pic)

Sunday afternoon nap with mommy! 

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

A Day in the Life

A normal work day for us consist of me waking up at 5am and getting ready.  If Elijah doesn't wake up on his own, we wake him up at 6am to feed him before I go to work.  If I don't wake him up, I don't get to see him and that breaks a momma's heart!  After I leave Matt puts Elijah in his swing for a little nap while he gets ready and then it's off to Mrs. Marsha's.  We have been blessed with an amazing in home daycare to take Elijah to.  He loves Mrs. Marsha and we do too!

I leave for work at 630am, not to return again until 630pm.  12 hours away from my little man everyday is the hardest thing in the world, but I have to work.  Until the Lord provides something closer, I will continue to press on.  Matt picks up Elijah around 445 or 5pm and they go home and have daddy/son time.  I'm so blessed to have such an amazing husband!  He is such an amazing daddy!

When I return home, it's my turn with Elijah for the rest of the evening.  I feed him, play with him, bathe him, feed him again, and put him to bed.  He is such a champ!  We put him down to bed sleepy but awake.  He goes to sleep on his own with no crying!  The past week he has been waking around 3am and Matt (who takes night duty nightly because I have to get up so early) puts a paci in his mouth and he goes back to sleep til 545 or 6am.  We are so blessed to have such a great sleeper!

Last Friday, we took Elijah for his 4 month wellness visit (he was really 4 1/2 months)
Here is little man on the scale at his visit!  He weighed 16 lbs 15.5oz.  He was 25 inches long.  He is growing like a little weed.  He is full of personality and we laugh A LOT!  Just last night he started this high pitched squeel that had Matt and I dying laughing!  We are loving and cherishing e
very moment of our new life as a family of three!

Doesn't this just pic just make you smile!

We starting Elijah on rice cereal from a spoon about 2 weeks ago.  After his wellness visit, we decided to go ahead and introduce oatmeal.  The pic above is him eating oatmeal!  He likes it MUCH better than the rice cereal! Last night I added a little bit of carrots to his oatmeal.  He seems to really like that.  We will continue introducing new foods every 4-5 days (have to make sure he isn't allergic to anything)

This stage is so fun, we really are enjoying every moment.  Elijah has changed our lives and we are forever greatful to be his parents!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Starting a blog...

First of all... I have NO idea what I'm doing... but I figure what the hey-- why not start a blog.  As if I have nothing else to do!

So here's a recap of the last few months...
Elijah Lee Jones was born on July 23, 2011 at 1:43 pm at 5lbs 4oz
At that time, our lives were changed FOREVER!

The past 4 1/2 months have brought good times and bad times... laughter and tears! Being a parent is HARD but so rewarding.  I would never change a thing!

I'm going to keep this first blog entry short, but will but pics from day 1-now.

Beware-  this may serve as a picture journal. 

Elijah Day 1 at the hospital

After 1st bath!!!

Photo session with Chelsea's dad!  He was SO tiny!

Elijah at one month! I wanted him to wear this when he came home from the hospital-- but he was too small!

Our little man is gaining weight like a champ!

2 months old with his cute blanket from Natalie!

Family pics in Tennessee

Our sitter is also a photographer... she took these AWESOME pics for Elijah's three month pics! Thanks Marsha!

Elijah at 3 months!

First Thanksgiving!

Hanging out with Daddy

Elijah cheering on the Hogs as they play LSU the day after Thanksgiving!

Elijah at 4 months!  He is growing WAY to fast... look at those cute little rolls!

Well there ya have it-- my first ever blog post... I'll try to keep it updated!  Beware this blog will mostly be about our lives as new parents and the adventures we have ahead!