Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Our God is Greater...

Wow, where to begin... so much has happened over these past few weeks.

A couple of months ago, Matthew started talking with a church in Arkansas.  We have been praying about the possibility to move closer to family for some time- but did not want to act out of Gods will.  Well, Gods will began to be so clear for us.  Our time in Texas right was coming to an end and He was preparing us to pick up and move. 

During this time, I have never felt closer to the Lord, or been able to see God's hand at work in a clearer way.  It has been both fun and exciteing to be in His will and see Him at work in and through our lives. 

We love SFBC, the sweet fellowship, the great people, the fun staff and so much more.  We will miss the wonderful people of SFBC, but we are so excited about the future the Lord has planned for us. 

One of our biggest concerns about the possibility of moving was selling our house.  Everyone knows how horrible the housing market is right now (at least for sellers).  We prepared ourselves that we would have to come up with money to sell the house and we were okay with that.  We placed a "For Sale By Owner" sign in our yard on July 2.  We "officially" put it on the market (in the MLS system and realtor.com) on July 10.   At 1:30 on Tuesday, July 11, I had a call from a realtor wanting to show our house (Matthew, super star husband, busted his tail to get things in boxes and make the house look the best it could possibly look.  You see, we had been trying to "de-clutter" (in the words of my realtor mom) and make closets and such look more presentable, so the house at this posint was a wreck.  I was at work in Dallas and couldn't do anything.  At 3pm the potential buyers arrived.  A little after 4pm, they finally left and by 445pm, I received a call saying we had an offer on the house.  WITHIN 24 HOURS OF THE HOUSE BEING "ON THE MARKET", WE HAD AN OFFER!!!

"Our God is Greater, Our God is Stronger..."  these words continue to play in my head.  Our God really is greater, He really is stronger.  No human could sell a house in 24 hours!  But our God can do more than we could ever ask or imagine! (Eph. 3:20). 

It is through Him that we are picking up and moving to Arkansas.  It is through Him that we have been able to sell our house (still a few things to go through, but I have full confidence that He will continue to work out all of those details).

We are excited about what the Lord has in store for our lives and First Baptist Forrest City.  To our SFBC friends- we love you and will miss you.  Please keep in touch and if you are every headed east on Interstate 40- stop by and see us!
To our new friends at FBCFC- we are excited about the future and getting to know you.  We are excited about what the Lord has in store as we continue to seek His will and worship Him!

Sorry no pics on this post-- I'll have tons of them on the next one! :)