Friday, February 24, 2012

A Little Vacation

Well since we moved to Texas, our vacations include going home to see family.  We have not had a "real" vacation since we lived here!!!  (But that will change come April when we are going to the beach!!!!)

So we left last Wednesday afternoon and headed to Arkansas... spent Wed evening and Thursday morning with the Crowson Clan and then packed up and headed to Tennessee to see the Jones Clan through Monday morning where we packed back up and headed back to Arkansas and then back to Texas on Tuesday afternoon.  We usually take this weekend every year to go because it is my Friday off at work (I'm off every other Friday) and then Monday is a Federal Holiday (President's Day).  So I can use about two days of PTO and get a full week off! 

Thursday morning, Elijah got to meet his Great- Grandmother (Mamaw) for the first time!

Mamaw walking in and said, "Oh my it's a little Mike."  Apparently Elijah favors my dad A LOT when he was a child. What do you think?

One thing I know is those rolls are the same!

We really didn't "do" a whole lot on our trip... relaxed, shopped, gave the grandparents time with Elijah.  Overall it was a relaxing and fun trip "home"

Saturday consisted of going to a 6 year old birthday party-- that's always exciting... the theme was Cars 2 and we bought the birthday boy a Cars Digital Camera-- that's right, we are the cool family!  This camera takes pics and then you upload them to your computer where you have a program that you can make stamps and "Cars" pictures- Perfect for that Cars lover! 

Elijah taking his Sunday afternoon nap with his G-Daddy

Elijah in his jumper as soon as we got home-- he missed his jumper!

Happy Bathtime-- he is starting to get SO much fun during bathtime.  He splashes and plays with his toys!  He did NOT want to get out!

One final pic... Happy 7 months! 

I can't believe how fast these 7 months have gone by... it's just crazy!  He is almost 20 lbs, sits up on his own (most of the time), and ROLLS everywhere!!!  He is trying SO hard to crawl, but just rolls! It's super cute!  He is eating up a storm-- love his fruits and veggies!

Well there is my random post for this week (or the last two weeks)... oh I think I forgot to mention... Elijah ended up getting thrush after his antibiotic-- we started him on medicine and it seems MUCH better... thankfully we have all stayed pretty much sick free the last two weeks (KNOCK ON WOOD)!!!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

On the Mend?

So I suppose things have to get worse before they can get better- For those who don't know the story here it goes... Thursday was my scheduled day to work from home- this means waking up late, staying in my pajamas and enjoying my work day from my living room on the couch!  Well Elijah was sleeping great but at 7am we had to wake him up because I had to start working at 730.  When we went to wake him up, we found that he had thrown up sometime in the middle of the night and it was all over his bed- poor thing!  I quickly got him up and gave him a quick bath, checked his temp (it was fine), fed him, and put him in his jumper to play before daddy took him to the sitter.  While in the jumper he had a nasty terrible runny diaper.  Well we still sent him to the sitter and he was fine the rest of the day- didn't eat normal but was fine.  So Thursday night was like any other night, but we decided to go out to eat.  Neither Matt or I felt like Elijah was really sick and neither of us felt sick. 

Friday morning rolls around Elijah starting fussing around 545, so Matt gets up and puts a paci back in and he quickly goes back to sleep... Matt doesn't come right back to bed though- he stops by the bathroom and the gets back in bed and says he doesn't feel good and feels like he is going to throw up.  I was like OH NO, we are supposed to leave to go to Arkansas for the Steven Curtis Chapman Concert after Elijah's Wellness visit.  Well within a couple hours, Matt was throwing up :(   Right as I was walking out the door to take Elijah to his appointment, I quickly have to run back inside and go to the restroom.  I kept telling myself I just had to make it through his appointment and I can come back home and take care of the boys.  Elijah's appointment went well.  19lbs 1oz.  and 27 inches long (75th percentile on weight, 50th on length, and 25th on head).

He loves to look at the mirror and rip the paper
(Side note-- look how he is growing, he is sitting up all on his own!!!)

Anyway, I safely make it through his appointment and stop by for a Sprite at Sonic on the way home.  I was sitting in the recliner feeding Elijah (Matt in the bathroom throwing up) and all of a sudden it hits me... I stand up, holding Elijah and just start throwing up in the middle of the living room floor.  This was officially the lowest point, standing in the living room holding a 6 month and feeling absolutely HELPLESS!

This was one moment, where I just wished mom lived around the corner and could come take Elijah and care for him because and I were SICK SICK! 

Elijah was the BEST baby EVER on Friday, allowing Matt and I to rest and not have to worry too much about him.  He then slept 12 hours on Friday night which of course was amazing because we NEEDED good rest! 

We woke up Saturday feeling better, weak, but MUCH better!  We began drinking water, sprite, or gatorade Saturday morning, moved to some saltines around lunch and had some Chicken and Stars around 3-- oh I forgot to mention Jaime White being an AMAZING friend and running to Target and getting us sprite, gatorade, saltines, and soup.  We owe her BIG time! Then after almost 48 hours at the house, we decided to venture out for a quick trip to Target to get some bread and we got an ICEE!

By Sunday we were feeling MUCH better, even enjoyed a lunch out with friends at BoomerJacks and a great "Big Game" Party at the Hoods! 

As of now, we seem to all be on the mend (knock on wood). We are praying that we all stay healthy now.  We have had our good share of being VERY VERY sick lately and we are all ready to be well!  Thanks for all of your prayers!

This Tuesday, we got to meet up with some friends, The McGuires,  their son Beckett is almost one (wow how time flies)  Meagan and Beckett (and her mom) were the first people other than my family to meet Elijah after he was born! We had a great time catching up and enjoyed a good burger at Twisted Root.

Beckett and Elijah at Twisted Root

So that's about it... that's our exciting life this past week... and I'll leave you with one last sweet picture of Benton and Elijah-- Benton wants to make sure that he is NOT left out! (sorry it's kinda dark)