Wednesday, March 7, 2012


So not much has been going on lately... we are all staying well (knock on wood). 
We enjoyed a nice long beautiful weekend this weekend.  I was able to work from home on Thursday and then we went to Frisco to Rhea Lana, a children's consignment sale! We were able to find a few good deals and start working on Elijah's summer wardrobe.  We were also able to find a few swim outfits for our beach trip in April.
Elijah's Crocs he will be sporting at the beach

Then we spent Friday going to Canton-  we didn't buy much- but just wanted to go walk around to enjoy the beautiful weather.

Elijah having a good ole time in Canton

Elijah sporting his cute outfit from his G-Daddy and Nona (Matt's Parents)

So on to the title of this post... I know I've said it before, but I'm going to say it again... Elijah has an AMAZING father!!!  Matt will get up in the middle of the night if Elijah wakes up to give him a paci so that I can get sleep because I wake up so early to go to work.  He gets Elijah ready in the mornings, takes him to the sitter, and picks him up from the sitter. He cares and loves on him! He plays with him, he sings songs to him, and he gets in the floor and lets him roll around and attempt to crawl.  I am so thankful for such an amazing dad for our son! I am blessed beyond measure to have an amazing husband!

 Here is the sweetest picture from the other night... just had to share:

And one last picture of the day: 

A cool pic that our sitter took of Elijah the other day!

1 comment:

  1. Found you through the KK link up. Elijah is adorable!

    Can't wait to read more!
